
Upgrading to the Marlin firmware on the Anycubic Mega S

 I recently started to try to use my 3D Printer again, and I decided to upgrade the firmware to the newest version of Marlin to use the mesh levelling system. Pre-requisites Raspberry Pi with Octopi Installed Stock (IE: No hardware upgrades!) Anycubic Mega-S Atmega 2560 board (I would open the unit up and check the board yourself to make sure!) Some time on your hands Process: Connect to SSH of your OctoPi Update your repositories pi@octopi: ~ $ sudo apt-get update Install avrdude pi@octopi: ~ $ apt-get install avrdude Find the location of avrdude pi@octopi: ~ $ which avrdude /usr/bin/avrdude Download the firmware file ( Marlin-Ai3M-v1.4.6-stock_drivers.hex ) from here ( on the releases page) Install the Firmware Update plugin module on your Octopi if you have not already done so Click on the Wrench Icon at the top right Click on " Plugin Manager " Click on " Get More " Search for " Firmware Updater "  Install ...

Windows Server 2016: We can't sign into your account

Backstory  At work, I tried to login to a windows 2016 machine via RDP, and upon doing so I received the error " We can't sign into your account "a collegauge at work removed my account from the RDP users group and re-added me, but this was done before too. I suspected that this problem would come back. This is what I did to resolve it: Environment: Windows Server 2016 Symptoms: Upon connecting via RDP to the machine in question, you are presented with the error message " We can't sign into your account " under that it states " This problem can often be fixed by signing out of your account and singing back in. If you don't sign out now, any files you create or changes you make will be lost " I suspect that even the changes I make now will be lost (So the effect is the same, just the warning message is gone) If you open the registry editor, and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\ you should observ...

Wifi Configuration for Raspberry Pi 2 + RTL8192SU (DWA-131) with Octoprint 0.18

 I used the Raspberry Pi Imager ( to install the newest version of Octoprint ( The new version of Octoprint recommends Python 3.6, but after the re-image of the SD Card, I encountered an issue with WiFi (again...) This is what I did to resolve it:   Environment: Raspberry Pi 2 Model B Rev 1.1 D-Link System DWA-131 802.11n Wireless N Nano Adapter(rev.A1) [Realtek RTL8192SU] Octoprint version of OctoPi Symptoms: After configuring the WiFi network interface, the interface would not come up by itself. Cause: It looks like even though the card was configured correctly, it was not starting up on it's own Resolution: 1) Modify the  /boot/octopi-wpa-supplicant.txt network={   ssid="SecretNetwork"   psk="SecretPassword" } country=CA # Canada For some reason, the network wasn't coming online by itself even with the correct PSK, however, because of a lack of logging (or, me finding that logg...

Wifi Fix for OctoPi + Raspberry Pi 2 + RTL8192SU (DWA-131)

Problem Description: After setting the network information in /boot/octopi-wpa-supplicant.txt, the wlan0 card was up, but not connected. Environment: Raspberry Pi 2 Model B Rev 1.1 D-Link System DWA-131 802.11n Wireless N Nano Adapter(rev.A1) [Realtek RTL8192SU] Octoprint version of OctoPi Troubleshooting: Since the interface was up for me, it was hard to tell what the problem was other than not being able to see (or manipulate) the interface (wlan0) from ifconfig (no IPV4 address, ifdown fails, ifup fails) 1) Take down the interface with the ip command # ip link set wlan0 down 2) Observe the messages from the following command # wpa_supplicant -P /var/run/ -i wlan0 -D nl80211,wext -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf In my case, I was getting an authentication error. Solution: This is what worked for me, AMMV. There probably is a better way as this seems like somewhat of a hackjob, but I'm betting on Cunningham's law to ...

Happy Fathers Day! -- Anycubic Mega-S

AnyCubic Mega-S My wife and daughter recently purchased the Anycubic Mega-S 3D printer for me for Fathers day. My daughter loves to make crafts, so I thought that this would be something we could do together and get a lot of value out of. I got the unit setup in about an hour after reading the manual. One of the challenges I found was unpacking the thing was a bit a bit much for a first time 3D printeer (is that a thing?) I was pleasantly surprised by the assortment of extra parts, a whole extra extruder, a toolset, a large kilogram spool of white PLA, and a few much smaller assortment of colored ones, wow. This is a full kit here, that's kind of neat. Construction feels solid, I'm kind of impressed by it all if I'm honest, and at this price point? what's not to like?! Level Up This part took considerably the longest. Basically you hit home, then turn off the motors and then manually level all four corners. I found it easier to start with all 4 corners, with ...

IPv4 and IPv6 Reception with rsyslog

Back in the day, when you wanted to change the default protocols rsyslog would listen on, you would modify the /etc/default/rsyslog file, and set the RSYSLOGD_OPTIONS variable accordingly. In rsyslog 8.x, this has changed, now, we control these parameters through the main rsyslog configuration file, and in within the global parameters. For instance, if we wanted to only listen on IPv6, then we would add the following lines to the main rsyslog configuration. # vi /etc/rsyslog.conf global(     net.ipprotocol="ipv4-only" ) Reference:

Activating OpenVPN in Ubuntu 16.04

Problem Description: In Ubuntu 16.x attempting to restart the OpenVPN service does not activate the configuration in /etc/openvpn and no error logs are generated. Root Cause: In older versions of Ubuntu, simply restarting the openvpn service was enough to activate the configuration in /etc/openvpn, however in Ubuntu 16, this is no longer the case, you must now specify the configuration at the command line. To start the service, we must specify the configuration to use, like so: # systemctl start openvpn@[configurationfile_minus_conf_extension] For instance, if we had a the file /etc/openvpn/acme.conf, to activate this configuration we would issue the following command. # systemctl start openvpn@acme NOTE: In the above command we have removed the .conf extension.

Adding a swap file to Ubuntu 16.x

Recently, I needed to add a swap to a Linux host that didn't have a spare partition, therefore, I was able to use this method to create a swap file, activate, and test it. 1. Create the temporary directory we will use for swap. # mkdir -v /var/cache/swap 2. Create the swap file in the temporary directory (In the example below, we are creating a 500MB swap file, change to suit your needs) # dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/cache/swap/swapfile bs=1M count=500 3. Change the mode of the file so only root can read/write to it # chmod 600 /var/cache/swap/swapfile 4. Activate the swap file # mkswap /var/cache/swap/swapfile 5. Verify the swapfile using 'free -m' or 'swapon -s' # swapon -s 6. Add the swap partition to fstab to make the swap file presistant across reboots # echo "/var/cache/swap/swapfile none swap sw 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab 7. To ensure you can reboot correctly, test the swap file by disabling it, then enabling it # swapoff /var/c...