Let there be sound!

I'm not sure why, but sound is a bit flakey in SuSE 10.1. Here are some commands:
alsactl (not sure how to use this, haven't bothered to google)

If your using XMMS you may need the new MP3 decompressor, you can get it here:
http://www.filewatcher.com/m/xmms-mpg123-1.2.10-4.i386.rpm.86281.0.0.html (for XMMS 1.2.10) I had to do a rpm -ivh xmms-mpg123-1.2.10-4.i386.rpm -nodeps (Don't laugh, it worked..)

Also, for some reason X got re-linked back to the original binary, I'm not sure why, but it disabled my XGL. Relinked, and all was good again in the Land.


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