Life Questions

One of the questions about life is, is this all there is? Is there more to this existence than what we see? At first glance, one would tend to say no, but that is only Man's ignorance. To break it down, now that technology is so wide spread, we have wireless networks, 10's of thousands of megabits of data all around us. Yet, we cannot see it, and without the right equipment, we cannot send nor receive this vast amount of data, I believe, this is the same theory can be applied to anything else. As much as we think that we are "only human" most of our bodies work off of electrical signals.

How much of what we think and perceive is actually real? It makes sense that if we did have said equipment to interpret and interact with all the things around us, we haven't used it in a 100's of years, it's not suprising that it happens, and less suprising that we have little control over when / how it happens.

Some random things I found on the internet:
- It is Negative Energy that comprises the thrust of Spells, Witchcraft.
- Will you live your life in constant fear, in continual need of the help of someone else, with a world view that makes you a victim, or...
Will you understand the never-ending chaos of that system and begin to work on making
yourself stronger, more balanced, so that the negative energy can no longer affect you?

These two passages prompted me to seek more information on His Majesty Ras Tafari the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the conquering Lion of Judah, the Elect of God and the Light of the world. (

Which oddly brought me back to Beenie Man's Better Learn lyrics.


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