Attempting to install Restyaboard in Ubuntu 16

In the wake of the Amazon S3 outage of 2017, I wanted to have something hosted on my own machine rather than relying on Trello (which relies on S3) for my kanban needs.

After a bit of research, I found restyaboard which looked intresting (although their demo site was in Mandarin (I think?) after I logged in, go google translate!)

I tried to use the auto installation script at but that failed on Ubuntu 12, 14 and 16 with various errors. I managed to talk to someone in live chat (which was neat for an open source product) but was redirected to sending an e-mail. (by the agent)

I then attempted to install the pre-requisite software first and then used the installer which fared slightly better, but to no real success.

Next I tried picking apart the installer script (Which started at line 226 when I looked at it) I found that there were more requirements than is listed (like GeoIP?), and installing the packages in this order (in Ubuntu at least) results in apache and nginx running. (Install php7.0-fpm first to avoid!)

I might circle back to this one day, but the amount of effort I have invested, I'm not that interested (and Trello is up, and that will never go down again, right? Right?! I must say though, I am impressed with Trello's transparency during the outage. 15 - 30 minute updates to let people know what was going on? Well done!)


FEY said…
Would you like to try ZenTao in Ubuntu as well?

ZenTao is a Jira alternative for self-hosted solution.

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