Sexy Time!

OK, well it looks like my old GeForce 6800 has kicked the bucket, I've replaced it with a marked down GeForce 7900 GTX. The card is MASSIVE and nearly covers my SATA connections, and the northbridge (The old card sat over the northbridge as well)

We've moved to the Hammer (Hamilton) one thing is, this ain't scarlem. The 20 minute drive to work in the morning is a welcome change (from the hour+ drive I used to have to make) but the place is nice, got some good deals on some merchandise (Thank you The Brick -- Don't pay a cent for a year or something -- There goes my bonus..)

Finally my disdane for EA has grown to astronomical proportions. Fine I have to download your stupid game over and over and watch the install fail, the game not start, or get a duplicate GUID, so after re-downloading the stupid game OVER AND OVER I get some message that EA is blocking my installation attempt to prevent piracy, yes, because I'm going to pirate your piece of shit game, then attempt to install it over and over again. This bites, this is the last time I do this download, I don't care that I have to re-purchase the game, I'm going to EB games and buying it.

In short, EA, you have no idea how to release games online, just stop. You will save a lot of face, either that, or spend some monies and buy some real coders.


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