Sippin on Gin and Juice...

I really should save all my digg favourites, meh, another day, another lost link. Come to think of it (and after some googling) back in 2004 google was indexing about 4 million sites, by the looks of, it seems it's indexing more than twice that amount today.

BF2142 works finally, and all I had to do was buy the DVD copy, now why didn't I do this when I first bought the game is beyond me, oh and is it ever smooooth, at last! I'm going to have to try turning up the FSAA a bit more, see how far we can go, but I have no way to see how many FPS I'm getting unless I install fraps or something.

Backups, you never realize how important they are, until you need them. Isn't that the truth, you'd be suprised how many production networks in large companies do not take enough back ups (or any at all!)

Oh well, off to endulge in a backwoods.


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