The Large Hadron Collider (LHC!) goes online!

So they have turned on the LHC, and from my understanding they have only accelerated a particle in one direction (they have yet to smash them together) which should occur at the end of the month. 

Some people are worried about what might happen in a year with strangelet and mini black holes, but I don't think we'll see the fallout until ohhhh December of 2012 (That makes the Mayan's right, and why not!) 

Here's some LHC humor: and Ha jokes. :) 

Tonight the A6 goes in for her timing belt change, lets hope nothing else is wrong, my friend just took in his S4 (same engine) and got rewarded with a $5500 repairs bill. 

The only thing more expensive than owning a new luxury car is a used one :D


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