Not ... Enough ... Sleep

I think I got like 6 hours of combined sleep this weekend, work was okay I guess, I don't recall any crazy oddities. I think I might just stay home next weekend, 

I have to get the timing belt on the A6 done, that's a good $1700, I could probably do it cheaper elsewhere, but I'd rather take it to Audi. I don't mind taking the car to other mechanics for smaller jobs, but I don't really trust anyone with such a large job. 

I watched some Grey's Anatomy (My current sitcom, I finished House) saw the one with the poles in the two people from the train wreck, and I was just thinking I never see anything really cool happen in Grey's, but then this. I have to admit I was a little ... disturbed at the choice of life, and the girl being unselfish and letting the other guy live (or at least have a better chance of) 

I skipped going to the gym this morning, boooo urns. I was out of time and didn't want to be late to add to the fact that I accidentally missed work yesterday. :/


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