Yoga Flame! Silly Eve, tricks are for kids!

YOGA FLAME! that's the flame you get in your muscles after going to Yoga for the first time. It was good and all, but daaaamn, that ish was pretty intense. Best 10 dollars I've ever spent. (Well, $5, I borrowed $5)

For some reason Eve was acting all dumb on me and gave me this error message when I tried to enter the station

Entering Station: Setup Station: Isikemi VI - Moon 5 - Caldari Navy Logistic Support

What? So I tried all the normal things, rebooted, cleared the cache, tried some Merge 'ITEMS' and 'SHIPS' into Station trick, nothing... I decided to go into the Display and Graphics and turn off the cache size, shadow quality and bloom, and changed from windowed mode to full screen mode. The client had to restart and after that it was still in window mode, but I still had faith, I typed in my password (It's "password" actually, go ahead try it) and selected my character, and presto, it loaded. :)


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