BF2: The Battle Field 2 - 1.3 Patch Horrors

Nice going EA.. I needed to clean my registry anyways, so I ended up re-istalling... Windows.

This is how I got mine going, I had to go through all of these steps, maybe one of the less evasive ones will work for you, or just skip to the more evasive. What was happening to me was that I was getting kicked back to the desktop after loading (or half loading) the map, I would also crash on re-optomizing the video (at 60-62%).

From reading a bit on the EA forums, I've come to the following conclusions...
Non evasive: (These didn't work for me, but may for you)
1) Try just changing the audio to software decoding only
2) Force the game to re-optomize the pixel shaders etc by changing the screen res
3) Rename the "Battlefield 2" directory in your My Documents, this will wipe your custom settings.
4) Refresh your video card driver and DirectX
--- ---
Evasive: (This did)
5) Uninstall BF2
6) Install BF2 original
7) Install BF2 Special Forces (Also will patch)
8) Install BF2 1.3 patch full
9) Play. :)

I don't have euro forces, I'd suppose you would want to install that after the SF upgrade.

Good Luck!


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