Floater days :)

a Floater day is just a nice way of saying 'playing hookie', at least that's what it feels like (Why didn't they have this shit when I was in high school?). 

Good thing I took the day off because the brakes on the RSX need to be replaced. I'm thinking it's either the factory old rotors, or, the ABS somehow, I dunno, but you would think the mechanic would have seen this when I took it in, and advised me of this problem ahead of time. meh... 

I was playing BF2 last night, omg, I don't mind when one or two of my team mates are unskilled, but man, when it's my entire team boat anchoring, it's kinda hard to win. 

I've also started playing <20 2149="" a="" all="" and="" are="" art="" awesome="" balanced="" battle="" battlefield.="" because="" can="" change="" chopper="" don="" downside="" dumb="" easily="" elite="" enjoy="" few="" field="" flying="" for="" forbid="" force="" game.="" game="" games="" going="" good="" have="" haven="" heaven="" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-DnK-d_sp0" i="" is="" it="" just="" keep="" large="" learnt="" luck="" m="" man="" map="" of="" on="" one="" own="" pilots.="" player="" playing="" soldiers="" t="" the="" there="" things="" those="" tide="" to="" waiting="" who="" yet.="" you="" your="">BattleField 2142, here's the trailer  

 Read the review here


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